Wednesday, August 31, 2011

W4: D1 - Busy Bee

In spite of my trepidation, last night I went to Tae Kwon Do, Zumba, and Haidong Gumdo again. I am afraid to hurt myself or pull away too much of the energy my body wanted for those long runs, but I guess we'll call this experiment week. Kind of a stupid thing to do with the half marathon just around the corner, but there you go. 

I ran 3 miles, but it was not hard even after all that other activity. Some bits of my body were a bit tighter than normal, but in a weird way I felt like I had more energy. I did run cautiously since it was my first post All That Stuff Run ever, but I felt good during and after. My time was 46:48, slower than usual, but that's okay.

The big lesson so far has been, run before all the other stuff. At night I'm tired, and I'm glad because I'm sleeping better. 
On the plus side, the neighborhood kids started school yesterday, so daytime running is more appealing. 

I'm also surprised that after 3 hours of exercise and a 45 minute run, I'm fine. Right now I'm most sore from Haidong Gumdo, and well, you can't really prepare for cutting things with a sword, unless you're cutting things with a sword. Perhaps the second big lesson is, I can do more than I thought. 

I've adjusted my nutrition for all this extra activity, but I think I may try to introduce more carbs in the second half of the week because these long runs are double digits now. Fingers crossed.

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