Tuesday, August 16, 2011

W2: D1 - Room for Improvement

Today I ran 3 miles in 45:42 or 15:14, a better time than last week's three mile runs, but I could have done better.

For starters, I waited until late at night to run, I do like running at night in our little loop.  It's safe, quiet, and cool.  However, I did not pace my meals well that day and I did not respect the rest day yesterday as well as I should have.  I think some exercise is fine, but doing a lot of walking on purpose probably isn't the smartest idea.

I'm also bummed that my pedometer thinks I only burnt 143 calories, because I didn't.  I probably burnt closer to almost twice that.

Still, I'm pleased, I hope the rest of the week continues to go well.

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