Friday, August 12, 2011

W1: R3 - 7 Miles

I was supposed to run 2.5 miles, but I ran 7.  The idea came into my head and I pushed it to the back of my mind.

"You don't want to over train or injure yourself."

But it just kept nagging.

So I figured, "Fine, maybe I'll run 3 miles if I feel good enough."

And then three became four, and four became five, and then I was cooling down after a seven mile run.

I ran it in 1:45:40 or 15:07 per mile.  On my only other seven mile run on May 21st, I ran it at 1:43:20, but I'd also been training for two months, and I'd been pushing myself.  This time, it was a "Oh, okay I feel good enough let's keep going."

Afterwards, I was tiredish, but it was still more of a "I just had a good work out tired," than a "OMG must collapse" tired.  And as usual, the feeling of pride at what I had accomplished outweighed any other feeling.

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