Sunday, August 21, 2011

W2: XT- Cross Training at the PA Ren Faire

Warning: This blog is not exactly on topic as far as running, but it's a story to share, but feel free to skip along if you were looking for running related ramblings.

Today my husband and I set off for the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire.  I know, I know, this is not cross training, but walking is, and walking around was the plan.  After one of the SLOWEST breakfasts in the world, (one hour to receive 3 pancakes, bacon, toast, and oatmeal,) we finally arrived around 12:00 PM.

The plan was to donate blood to:

A: We could help replenish the amount my Mom has need throughout her ordeal (over 20 transfusions.)  B: Receive free entry to the Faire that day.

However I did not bring my ID, which was stupid for many reasons, one of them being if we'd gotten in an accident, and second you can't donate blood without an ID.  Thankfully after much frustration and digging around in my husband's wallet I found two non-photo pieces of identification and was allowed to donate.  Unfortunately by then my husband was finished and it was after 1:15.  But he needed to sit and rest a while as he'd nearly blacked out while giving blood (because even though I told him not to, he looked around at all the other people giving blood...)  So, after about half an hour I was taken to give blood.  After another twenty minutes they processed me and tested my iron...  Sadly, my iron was too low, 11.1 which is indeed not the 12.5 required.  The second test produced an LLL, which I think means it wouldn't even read it because it was so low.

Iron(y) alert, earlier that week I'd gone to the doctor because I thought my iron was low, but since he never called about it, I thought all was fine.

So, feeling quite sad about not being able to give blood, I walked back to my husband, ticket in hand.  I was grateful for the ticket, but as stated, after my Mom needed so much blood, giving back was the primary objective.  My husband and I spent some time walking around and checking out some shows.  We were watching a great group called Circa Paleo, but then a gentleman waved at them to stop, the bad weather we'd heard about was coming.  The kind group allowed us to "seek shelter" as the PA system was urging, onstage.

And then the rain came.  And then it stopped.  And came again.  And so it went until about 5:00.  Because we'd been cheated out of hearing the entire set by Circa Paleo we went back again.  It was still raining, but there was no thunder or lightning so the group was cleared to perform.  They felt badly about the rain, and because there were only three of us, they allowed us onto the stage apron and performed for us for almost an hour.  By then others had come, but it was really a great little intimate experience courtesy of mother nature.  We purchased a CD, had it signed and went on our way.

By 6:00 the rain was back again, hard, and I felt bad for the poor knights and actors who had to perform the Ultimate Joust, without horses, in the rain.  I felt especially bad for the actors who had to play dead in the mud.  Afterwards the company and we spectators dashed for the Swashbuckler's Stage, a covered stage area they use for the Finale when it rains.  It was a lot of fun and my husband and I will be returning again later this year, hopefully to sunnier weather.

Oh and I ate a Scotch Egg.  I don't eat a lot of meat, but I do love those things.  And I purposely ate a low fat, low protein breakfast to save room.

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